2. Company profile | Servicetec Japan Corp.
  • Company profile


    Company profile

    Business Line-up

    • Research and development of biotechnology
    • Export, import and distribution of enzymes, microorganism, and fermented materials
    • Export, import and distribution of functional feed and feed additives
    • Export, import and distribution of functional food and food ingredients
    • Application development and sales of waste treatment agents using
    • microorganisms and enzymes
    • Import and sales of cosmetic ingredients manufactured by fermentation technology
    • Application development for enzymes and microorganisms, and the consulting service

    Company outline

    Business name Servicetec Japan Corporation
    Location Head office
    1-21-62-105, Iguchi, Mitaka city, Tokyo Japan 181-0011
    Tokyo branch office
    1-1-5-206, Kichijyoji-kitamachi, Musashino-city, Tokyo Japan 180-0001
    TEL:+81-422-20-1770 FAX:+81-3-6368-6644
    President Yasukazu Kusayama
    Capital 3 Mil. Yen


    Jul-03 Inauguration of business
    Jun-05 Established Tokyo branch office

    Access map

A life science company developing and marketing of functional materials | Servicetec Japan Corp. +81-422-20-1770  Contact us, Document request