2. Functional material
  3. Feed and Pet food ingredients | Servicetec Japan Corp.
  • Feed and Pet food ingredients



    Feed and Pet food materials

    Aspergillus cultured feed has the ability to degrade cellulose and hemicellulose that cannot be degraded by digestive enzymes of animals, making it easier to digest and absorb feed, increasing feed efficiency, promoting weight gain, and shortening breeding days. In addition, functional materials for various uses such as immune function improvement and stress reduction are available for feed and pet food.

    Pickup products

    Aspergillus cultures feed

    Bacillus subtilis-containing feedBacillus subtilis-containing feed

    β-glucan-containing feedβ-glucan-containing feed


    Product list

    Classification Notes
    Garlic powder & Granule Nourishment
    herb mixed feed Against chicken coccidia, stress reduction
    lactic acid bacterial silage
    Microbial preparation  Aspergillus cultures feed, Bacillus subtilis containing feed 
    mineral Zinc DL-Methionine Sulfate, yeast mineral, peptide mineral 
    natural chitin fermented feed Chitin, chitosan, chitosan oligosaccharide containing 
    β-glucan-containing feed immune improvement


A life science company developing and marketing of functional materials | Servicetec Japan Corp. +81-422-20-1770  Contact us, Document request